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Email Scraper Service

Email Scraper service scraps recruiters' accounts from job boards like "Un mejor empleo" every 10 minutes and get the email addresses of the applicants to the offers published by those accounts. Once the applicants' emails have been obtained, the app will send a custom message, by email, with the following steps to the job application.


Simple Shell

simple_shell is an emulation of the UNIX command interpreter. As an emulation, the simple_shell is a command that reads lines from either a file or the terminal, interprets them, and generally executes other commands. If no args are present and if the standard input of the shell is connected to a terminal the shell is considered an interactive shell. An interactive shell generally prompts before each command and handles programming and command errors differently.


AirBnB Clone

Holbertonbnb is a complete full-stack web application, integrating a MySQL database and Flask RESTful API with a dynamic HTML5/CSS3/jQuery front-end.

PythonJavascriptFlaskSQLAlchemyPython UnitTest

Custom _printf() Implementation

A custom made printf function built-in C using only the write, malloc, free, va_start, va_copy, va__arg, and va_end noncustom functions. The custom printf function is called using _printf() and will take in a format string, followed by an optional comma and argument list.


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